


diamond machining, vibro-magnetic-abrasive machining, cutting inserts, CBN, surface roughness, friction forces


Finishing methods of machining of superhard composite’s working elements based on cubic boron nitride BL group are considered. The results of the microgeometry formation research of the cutting inserts’ surfaces during machining by free powders of synthetic diamond, grinding wheels and a method of vibro-magnetic-abrasive machining (VMAM) are presented. It is shown that during VMAM the friction between the inserts’ surfaces and the abrasive particles result in microremoval of the material, which reduces the roughness of the cutting inserts’ surfaces. It is established that additional fine grinding with 14/10 mkm synthetic diamond powder provides the absence of microgeometry defects of the cutting inserts’ surfaces left by pre-machining. The result of high-quality rounding of cutting edges and the formation of surfaces of cutting inserts with less roughness is an increase in strength and wear resistance of metal-cutting tools in high-speed machining under conditions of significant loads.

Author Biographies

Chumak Anatolii, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Junior researcher, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Klimenko Sergey, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Research, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Klimenko Sergey, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Manokhin Andriy, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine

Naydenko Artem, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Kopeikina Marina , VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Burikin Vitalii, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

Candidate of Technical Sciences, researcher, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bondarenko Maksim, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy

Associate professor, doctor of technical sciences, Head of the Department of Instrumentation, Mechatronics and Computerized Technologies, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Burlakov Viktor, SHEI "PDTU", Mariupol

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, senior researcher, SHEI "PDTU", Mariupol, Ukraine


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Mechanical processing of materials, the theory of cutting materials, mathematical and computer simulation of machining p