About the Journal

CUTTING AND TOOL IN TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS - a multidisciplinary, reviewed scientific and technical collection of open access that publishes works on new developments in the field of material processing technology, machine tools and tools, additions technologies, reengineering technologies, computer and mathematical modeling, in the field of development and improvement of technologies, processes, materials, cutting tools, systems of automated designing, questions of standardization, certification and metrological maintenance tions of quality engineering products

Year of foundation: 1966
p-ISSN: 2078-7405
Publisher: National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
Founder: National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
Media identifier: R30-02559, according to the decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting of 11.01.2024 № 33
The journal is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, category "B" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №409 of 17.03.2020 
Frequency: 2 times a year
Language of publication: English
Indexing of the journal: the journal is included in Ulrich's Periodical Directory, indexed in Index Copernicus, Google Academy.


Changes in the composition of the editorial staff of the collection "Cutting and tools in technological systems"


By decision of the Scientific Council of the National Technical University "KhPI" (Protocol No. 7 dated October 7, 2022), at the request of the editorial board of the scientific and technical collection "Cutting and tools in technological systems", changes were made to the editorial staff of the collection. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Fedorovich was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the collection. Also, changes were made in the composition of the editors. You can read more about this in the "About us" section, then "Editorial staff".

Read more about Changes in the composition of the editorial staff of the collection "Cutting and tools in technological systems"

Current Issue

No. 101 (2024): Cutting and Tools in Technological Systems
					View No. 101 (2024): Cutting and Tools in Technological Systems

The collection publishes scientific articles, which cover current issues in the field of machining of modern materials using high-performance technologies, new methods and measuring instruments to control the quality of treated surfaces and high-performance cutting tools. Aspects of optimization and mathematical modeling at different stages of the technological process are covered.

Published: 2024-12-07

Addition technologies in mechanical engineering

Mechanical processing of materials, the theory of cutting materials, mathematical and computer simulation of machining p

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