


This article shows the regularities of the formation of the relationship between the parameters of the roughness of the treated surface under the conditions of processing with a tool made of superhard materials. Features of formation of the ratio of height parameters of roughness Rmax/Ra for conditions of diamond-abrasive processing are shown. In general, in relation to Rmax/Ra we have a kind of "roughness arc", when first for a normal untreated rough source surface it is close to 4, then abrasive-diamond treatment of this surface raises this ratio to 6 and then to 8, but further methods of abrasive finishing and polishing reduce the ratio to 6 and then chemical-mechanical polishing to a high-quality surface returns this ratio to values close to 4. This means that if the initial cost of grinding the original surface affects the increase in the ratio, then the subsequent cost of finishing and polishing work reduces the value of the ratio Rmax/Ra to the original. The peculiarities of obtaining a treated surface with a special microprofile, which is a flat protrusions with recesses (a kind of "pockets") for placing oil to increase the service life of such a surface.

Author Biographies

Lavrinenko Valerii, VM Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials, Kyiv

DSc in Eng. S., professor, Chief of Department, V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Solod Volodymyr, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

PhD in Eng. S., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Dnipro, Ukraine


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Mechanical processing of materials, the theory of cutting materials, mathematical and computer simulation of machining p