



specific energy capacity of grinding, energy efficiency coefficient, grinding;abrasive tool, wheel of the superhard materials, wear, friction


The analysis of modern research shows that when evaluating the specific energy intensity of the abrasive processing process, one should pay attention not only to the indicators of grinding power and material removal rate, but also to the indicator of the wear of the abrasive tool, which we will show below for the grinding tool made of superhard materials. It is shown that the traditional method of estimating the specific energy capacity based on the ratio of the grinding power to the processing productivity does not provide an adequate solution, since with it the specific heat capacity of processing exceeds the specific heat capacity of melting of the processing material by almost an order of magnitude. Therefore, it is the application of a new approach to the assessment of the specific energy intensity of diamond grinding, taking into account the wear of the working layer of the diamond wheel, and makes it possible to estimate the indicators of the specific energy intensity of grinding and the energy efficiency coefficient. It has been proven that when estimating the specific energy capacity of grinding metal-ceramic composite materials consisting of a low-melting and refractory component, the latent heat capacity of melting of the low-melting component should be taken as the basis. It is shown that the plastic mode of grinding occurs precisely when the specific energy capacity of grinding, taking into account the wear of the wheel, becomes close to the specific heat capacity of melting of a brittle material.

Author Biographies

Lavrinenko Valerii, Institute of Superhard Materials named after V.M. Bakulya National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

DSc in Eng. S., Professor, Head of the Scientific Department No. 3 "Diamond-Abrasive and Physical-Technical Processing" V.M. Bakul Institute of Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1974, he graduated with honours from the Kirovograd Institute of Agricultural Engineering (now Kropyvnytskyi). Since 1974, he has been working at the Institute of Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - designer of the 3rd category (1974), designer of the 2nd category (1975), senior engineer (1977), junior researcher (1980), researcher (1984), senior researcher (1986), leading researcher (2000), head of the laboratory (2005), head of the department (since 2006). Scientific Secretary of the Doctoral Specialised Scientific Council D 26.230.01 at the Institute of Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main scientific activity is aimed at developing effective technologies for high-performance and high-quality grinding of hard alloys, tool steels, cutting ceramics, and single crystals. The main directions of scientific research are the search for ways to use internal reserves of tool composites for targeted changes in their operational properties, the search for positive effects that are characteristic of the conditions of introducing additional energy into the processing zone, and obtaining them without introducing such energy, thus searching for energy-saving processing methods. He is the author of 660 publications and 83 inventions. He is the author and co-author of 15 monographs.

Solod Volodymyr, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

PhD in Eng. S., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Dasic Predrag, Engineering Academy of Serbia (IAS): Belgrade, RS

He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Priština, Production Major, in 1982 and defended his master's thesis in 1985 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, majoring in Production Engineering and Computer Application. He was elected an honorary doctor of science of DSEA (Donbass State Engineering Academy) University of Kramatorsk (Ukraine), in 2010. The second honorary doctorate of science was also awarded to him by the UTA (Ukrainian Technological Academy) Academy from Kyiv (Ukraine), in 2018. He teaches a group of subjects from Production and Information Technologies at the Academy of Vocational Studies Šumadija – Department of Trstenik. He gave a large number of guest lectures for students of academic, master's and doctoral studies in the region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine). He has published more than 700 scientific papers, of which 270 papers in journals, 60 invitation papers and more than 370 papers at international and national conferences. In addition, he has published 7 scientific monographs and 5 books. He was the editor of more than 60 proceedings in printed and electronic form. A significant contribution by him was made to the automation of engineering works, so he developed 14 new user programs for the application of theoretical and practical methods in solving specific engineering problems, which are successfully applied in practice. Further, he is the author of 3 technical improvements and 3 patents. He participated in the realization of 10 scientific research projects financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and was the head of the international Slovak-Serbian project. He is a member of the scientific and program committee of more than 50 international conferences and a member of the editorial board of more than 20 international journals. He is the member of the following national technical academies of sciences: New York Academy of Science (NYAS) since 2006; Ukrainian Technological Academy (UTA) since 2009; Ukrainian Academy of Engineering Sciences (UAES), since 2011; World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), since 2014; World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering (WARSE), since 2015; Serbian Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts (SKANU) since 2015; Georgian Engineering Academy (GEA) since 2019; National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine (NAS-HEU) since 2020, Engineering Academy of Serbia (EAS) since 2020. Elected was for President of the UTA Academy for the Balkans, in September 2017. He is also a member of more than 50 international and national professional associations and a member by invitation of the Association of Writers of Serbia (UKS), since 2022. He has won numerous awards, recognitions and diplomas, for his contribution to scientific and innovative work and international cooperation. He is also the recipient of two "Lifetime Achievement Awards" and Medal of Science of the UTA Academy.

Ostroverkh Yevgeniy, National Technical University “KhPI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Professor, National Technical University “KhPI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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Mechanical processing of materials, the theory of cutting materials, mathematical and computer simulation of machining p