


finite element modelling, diamond burnishing, surface integrity, plastic deformation


The article is aspected to the finite element modelling of stress in subsurface layer of aluminium alloy workpiece during diamond burnishing process. This cold forming process is a simple, cost-effective finishing method that can be used to improve surface integrity and provide compressive residual stress. Available with these, durability and quality enhancement of the components can be reached, but improperly chosen burnishing parameters can distort the efficiency of the plastic deformation process. In order to optimize this, a 2D FEM model is created including the real surface integrity of the workpiece which was measured with AltiSurf 520 surface roughness measuring device. The method is simulated using DEFORM-2D software, corresponding to the numerical values of burnishing parameters implemented in practice as well, thereby allowing a comparative analysis with the results of X-ray diffraction measurement.

Author Biography

Ferencsik Viktoria, University of Miskolc, Hungary

Teaching assistant, University of Miskolc, Department of Production Engineering, Miskolc - Egyetemváros, Hungary. She graduated from the Szilágyi Erzsébet High School and College in Eger in 2009. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics of the University of Miskolc in 2013 with a BSc degree in Technical Management and in 2015 with an MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 2015, he was admitted to the István Sályi István Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering, supervised by Dr. Gyula Varga, his research topic is: Theoretical and experimental investigation of the life-enhancing reinforcement of external cylindrical surfaces by surface layer compaction.


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Mechanical processing of materials, the theory of cutting materials, mathematical and computer simulation of machining p